Sunday School News
We have 3 adult classes meeting on Sunday mornings at 9 am:
- Four Square Blessings Class is taught by John Russell and uses the Standard Lesson materials. Large print is available on request. This class meets in the Chapel (across from the office), and consists of older adults.
- The Good News Class, taught by Tim Bush, meets in the room next to the office. Tim encourages plenty of discussion. This class has a half dozen or so stalwarts, and is eager for growth.
- The Challengers Class is taught by Dave Bush. They have a wide variety of ages, with little to years of biblical knowledge, studying God’s word together. Dave does a great job of mingling all ages together to teach Gods word at a level all can understand. He also uses videos and slides on the wall as teaching aids. This class meets in the Youth Room (take elevator all the way upstairs, almost immediately on the left down the hall). If you’re looking for a class that will challenge and teach you about God’s word we would love for you to join us.
We have a nursery available which is across from the office. If, when you arrive, there is no one there, please see Lisa George, who has a contingent of nursery workers to staff the nursery on an as-needed basis.
We also have classes for those over 24 months but not yet in kindergarten; kindergarten through 5th grade; and middle school/high school. Check-in for these is in the youth wing.